10 AM - Embodied Poetics: A Land-Based Invitation to the Poet Within with Laurel Madeline Silberman with Laurel Madeline Silberman
10 AM - Embodied Poetics: A Land-Based Invitation to the Poet Within with Laurel Madeline Silberman with Laurel Madeline Silberman
Sunday June 22, 10 AM
Embodied poetics is an invitation to the poet within to bear witness to and embody the poetry that unfolds when we tune our innermost hearts to the Song of the Earth. This class is a space for all who feel called to be with the land and to write poetry with the Earth as our muse and guide. We will journey deep into the Earth and awaken more fully to the already written poem that is alive in every cell of our body. Together, we will reach into the soil of our hearts and emerge with the jewels that only we can find. We will enjoy an herbal tea to help facilitate connection with our creative process. We will weave our own poetic self-healing into the web of our relations and emerge with a foundation to continue exploring both our poetic voice and our connection with the Earth. All are welcome to participate in this communal weaving.
Laurel Madeline Silberman is an intuitive herbalist, addiction alchemist, flower essence practitioner, song weaver, and devotional poet dedicated to reweaving the body of Self with the body of Earth. She believes that personal healing is interdependent with planetary healing and that healing and wholeness are the birthright of all sentient beings. Laurel currently sees clients for 1:1 sessions, focusing primarily on addiction remediation, the vibrational medicine of flower essences, and weaving plants and planets through comprehensive herbal-astrological readings. When she is not working with clients, Laurel can be found dancing with the rhythms of the Mystery, singing and playing her guitar, writing poetry, making art, hiking Colorado’s exalted peaks, hosting the Boulder Community Grief Circle, and collaborating with the plants for her online herbal shop Artemisia Atara Apothecary. You can learn more about her work at www.laurelmadeline.earth